Thursday, March 03, 2005

Cubbie Kong

Seems like the popularity of the Cubs has blossomed and even extended beyond the realm of humanity. These days even other species have joined the Cubbie Bandwagon.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying that black people are baboons?

Anonymous said...

seems pretty tasteless. 10 man, this is so far beneath you.

Unknown said...

I am part of a minority race myself and so have never had any desire or thought to make any man think of himself as inferior to any other. I also value DC's opinion and so I edited the original post.

Btw, those are gorillas.

Neil Johnson said...

I felt like saying something myself, but I try to make a habit of not judging people, especially ones I don't know. I'm glad I deferred and am glad to see you chose to change the post. Look forward to the fantasy season with you. Go Cubs Go!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear from you, Neil. I know that I could have insisted on "making a stand" and keeping the original, but who cares about egostistical stuff like that? This site is all about fun and when it ceases to be fun, then this blog becomes meaningless.

Jason said...

Now I'm just curious to know what was so offensive about the original post. Somehow I doubt there was anything racially motivated in the post, from what I'm observed of 10man over at the Cub Reporter. Just to be safe, I'm going to steer away from the whole monkey=black person genre of jokes on my site.